Here at EPGA, we are constantly working to ensure you have the perfect playing surfaces for your golf. The climate in Hun Yen and Hanoi region, is not great for grass growing, and it has its challenges.

Our tee boxes and fairways are a type of grass called Zeon Zoysia and our greens are Tifeagle (A Bermuda grass).

 Zeon grass in fairway area

The Zeon grasses are the ideal for the climate here, and is very shade tolerant (think cloudy skies) Zeon is warm season grass and grows best in hot climates and likes sunlight (dont we all!). It does go somewhat dormant in the cooler winters, so we overseed the tee boxes with US Rye grass (a winter grass) which helps us to keep the tee boxes surfaces in good condition for as long as possible.

Zeon grass surface

As we are a very busy PAR 3 Academy course, almost every shot that is taken on the tee boxes will result in a divot (strip of ground). Depending on the time of year and the weather conditions, that damaged divot area can take at least 3 weeks to repair. Over seeding with Rye grass during the winter, enables the damaged area to grow back much quicker (1 week)

When the weather starts to change from winter conditions to summer heat, the winter grass dies off and the summer season, Zeon grass comes back to life. During this transition period, there will be some time, where the tee boxes are sandy and patchy as the new grass start to come back slowly. This is normal, and with some care and time won’t last too long.

To speed up this process we carry out some essential renovations/maintenance works on the course. In particular we need to core and top dress, not only the tee boxes but also the greens. This week, it is the turn of the tee boxes for this treatment.

Making hole with solid tines

Coring, provides aeration and is an essential program to keep playing surfaces healthy and in good condition. Aeration primarily is performed to control organic matter – i.e., decaying roots and grass stems – relieve soil compaction, stimulate growth and improve drainage.

Coring machine 

This Aeration and topdressing are the most effective ways to control organic matter and maintain quality playing surfaces.

Core aeration involves physically removing small soil cores from the turf and is the most common type of aeration. Aeration holes allow excess moisture to evaporate and promote gas exchange in the soil, resulting in stronger root systems and turf that is better able to tolerate golfer traffic.

Topdressing after the coring work, with quality sand, will fill in these coring holes, and improve the surfaces and drainage conditions for longer term quality of the areas. We have installed new grass on holes 6 and 7 to improve the tee box area.

Getting the surfaces ready for the NEW grass

Cutting grass 

More information: 

Zeon is a fine textured zoysiagrass primarily used for golf courses. Zeon can handle full sun and is extremely shade tolerant. Zeon Zoysia has a dark green color, high shoot density, and a low growth habit. Zeon Zoysia grass is perfectly suited to the climate in Southeast Asia and Vietnam.

Zeon is a “water-saving” grass because it still grows well using 70% less irrigation water than Paspalum and 50% compared to Bermuda. In addition, Zeon grass also has higher Ligin and Silica components, which help the leaf stalks to withstand attacks from pests. Therefore, it is rare to spray harmful pesticides which are bad for golfers, staff and the environment in general.