Outdoor activities not only help children gain more knowledge about the world, but also stimulate them to improve many skills for comprehensive development. Let’s take a look at 10 great benefits for children to play outdoors:

1. Learn new things

Outdoor playing is a great way to improve children’s learning. Because when participating in games, children will develop the ability to observe and learn, thereby creating a premise to equip themselves with important life skills such as problem solving skills, gain new information and improve understanding of science … For children, outdoor activities are a way to learn, be happy, not feel bored, heavy like normal classes.

2. Develop comprehensive physical

Outdoor activities can keep children active and in good health. Research shows that outdoor games can help strengthen muscles and bones, improve immunity, and reduce the risk of heart disease and obesity.

Not only that, when playing outdoors, children also have the opportunity to breathe fresh air and absorb vitamin D. Long-term exposure to electronic devices can impair children’ vision, but playing outdoors can bring the opposite.


3. Promote creativity

Playing outdoor games can stimulate creativity and boost imagination in young children. Surrounded by trees and other objects, the child’s imagination and creativity will be strongly promoted.

4. Gain more social skills

Children who spend much time outdoors are more likely to make friends and interact better with other kids. Meanwhile, children who enjoy staying at home will often be more timid.

5. Develop a positive attitude to life

Children who spend much time outdoors often have a very positive attitude and are always filled with happiness. In addition, outdoor play is also a great opportunity for children to spread their positive energy to people around them.

6. Develop Personality

One of the benefits of playing outdoors is that it can help shape children’s personality. When participating in games, children will learn how to be independent, face with emergency situations,  stand up after failure… without adult supervision. This creates confidence and equips children with practical experiences to solve situations in the future.

In addition, playing outdoors with friends also helps children develop other qualities such as discipline, team spirit and leadership. These are all useful things for the child’s life in the future.

7. Improve concentration

Playing outdoor can help children improve their concentration, attention, observation and reasoning skills. Because when playing, children will have to make full use of concentration and observation skills.

8. Increase motor skills

Outdoor activities not only bring joy to children, but also help them learn how to react and control  arms, legs and body flexibly. From there, they can improve mobility, agility, coordination and balance, bone density and develop a better muscle system.

9. Connect and love nature

Children who spend much time playing outdoors tend to be close and connected with nature.

10. Build a healthy lifestyle

Encouraging children to participate in outdoor activities more is a way to help them lead a balanced, healthy and active lifestyle when growing up in the future. Not only that, children also have the ability to make decisions, know how to challenge themselves and overcome limits to become their better versions.